Distance Sales Contract


Title: Q Food Industry and Trade Limited Company


Address: İskenderpaşa neighborhood, Yeşil tekke street, No:28/A Fatih Istanbul

Email: info@rumo.com.tr


Product information and prices


a) The Goods subject to the Contract shall be delivered to the CONSUMER or the third person/organization at the address indicated on the WEBSITE in accordance with the principles specified below, provided that the legal 30-day period is not exceeded. The SELLER sends and delivers the Goods through a contracted cargo company for its shipments. If this cargo company does not have a branch in the location where the CONSUMER is located, the CONSUMER must receive the Goods from another branch of the cargo company notified by the SELLER.
b) In general and unless otherwise expressly stated, delivery costs (shipping fee etc.) belong to the CONSUMER. Depending on the campaigns it conducts at the time of sale and the terms of which it announces on the WEBSITE, the SELLER may not reflect all or part of the delivery costs to the CONSUMER. In cases where the right of withdrawal is used for all of the ordered Goods or for part of them (which the CONSUMER benefits from), if the minimum shopping amount falls below the SELLER free shipping (delivery) campaign, the entire delivery/shipping fee not collected within the scope of the campaign will be deducted from the amount to be returned to the CONSUMER and collected (in cases where the CONSUMER pays the delivery/shipping fee, this fee will be returned).
c) If the CONSUMER is not present at the address at the time of delivery of the Goods and the persons at the address do not accept the delivery, the SELLER shall be deemed to have fulfilled its obligation in this regard. If there is no one at the address to receive the delivery, it is the CONSUMER's responsibility to contact the cargo company and follow up on the shipment of the Goods. If the Goods are to be delivered to a person/organization other than the CONSUMER, the SELLER cannot be held responsible if the person/organization to be delivered is not present at the address or does not accept the delivery. In such cases, all kinds of damages arising from the CONSUMER's late receipt of the Goods and the expenses incurred due to the Goods waiting at the cargo company and/or the return of the cargo to the SELLER belong to the CONSUMER.
d) The CONSUMER is responsible for checking the Goods upon receipt and, if he/she sees a problem with the Goods caused by the cargo, not accepting the Goods and having a report drawn up by the cargo company officer. Otherwise, the SELLER will not accept any liability.
e) Unless otherwise stipulated in writing by the SELLER, the CONSUMER must have paid the price in full before receiving the Goods. In cash sales, if the price of the Goods is not paid in full to the SELLER before delivery, and in installment sales, if the due installment amount is not paid, the SELLER may unilaterally cancel the contract and not deliver the Goods. If, for any reason after the delivery of the Goods, the Bank/financial institution to which the credit card used for the transaction belongs does not pay the price of the Goods to the SELLER or demands the refund of the amount paid, the Goods shall be returned to the SELLER by the CONSUMER within 3 days at the latest. If the non-payment of the Goods is due to a fault or negligence of the CONSUMER, the shipping costs shall be covered by the CONSUMER. All other contractual/legal rights of the SELLER, including the right to pursue the receivable price of the Goods without accepting the return, are reserved separately and in any case. In order not to cause any hesitation; In cases where the CONSUMER pays the sales price with a credit card, installment card, etc. from banks (including financial institutions), all the opportunities provided by these cards are credit and/or installment payment opportunities provided directly by the institution that issued the card; sales of Goods realized within this framework and for which the SELLER collects the price in a lump sum are not credit or installment sales for the parties to this Agreement, but cash sales. The legal rights of the SELLER in cases legally considered as installment sales (including the rights to terminate the contract and/or to demand payment of the entire remaining debt together with the default interest in case of non-payment of installments) are available and reserved within the framework of the relevant legislation. In case of default by the CONSUMER, a default interest shall be applied at a monthly rate as stipulated by the laws in force.
f) If the product cannot be delivered within the legal maximum period of 30 days due to extraordinary circumstances (such as adverse weather conditions, heavy traffic, earthquake, flood, fire) outside of normal sales/delivery conditions, the SELLER will inform the CONSUMER about the delivery. In this case, the CONSUMER may cancel the order, order a similar product or wait until the end of the extraordinary circumstances.
g) If the SELLER understands that it cannot supply the Goods subject to the Contract, it may supply another good/service of equal quality/price, provided that it clearly informs the CONSUMER within three (3) days from the date of learning of this situation in a legal manner and obtains his/her verbal/written approval, and thus it is deemed to have fulfilled its commitment subject to the Contract. The CONSUMER is free to give or not give the said approval in all respects, and in cases where it does not give approval, the contractual/legal provisions regarding order cancellation (termination of the Contract) shall apply.
h) In case of order cancellations including withdrawals in accordance with the contract or law and termination of the contract, if the price of the Goods has been collected, it will be returned to the CONSUMER within a maximum of 14 days. The refund will be made in accordance with the payment method used by the CONSUMER to pay the price of the Goods to the SELLER. In payments by credit card, the refund will be made by returning the money to the CONSUMER's credit card and the amount of the Goods will be returned to the relevant bank within the same period after the order is cancelled by the CONSUMER; since the reflection of this amount to the CONSUMER's account after the refund transaction is made by the SELLER is completely related to the bank transaction process, the CONSUMER accepts in advance that it will not be possible for the SELLER to intervene and assume responsibility for possible delays. In cash on delivery and bank transfer/EFT payment options, the refund transaction is made to the account specified by the CONSUMER by requesting bank account information from the CONSUMER (the account must be in the name of the person at the billing address or in the name of the user member) by bank transfer or EFT. The SELLER has and reserves the rights of offset, discount and deduction arising from this Agreement and the law for the amount to be refunded. The CONSUMER's legal rights regarding the cases where the Agreement is terminated by the CONSUMER due to the SELLER's failure to perform its obligations are also reserved and available.
i) CONSUMER may convey his/her requests and complaints regarding the goods and sales to the SELLER verbally or in writing, using the communication channels in Article 1 of this Form.


a) The CONSUMER has the right to withdraw from this Agreement within fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt of the Goods without giving any reason and without paying any penalty. The period of right of withdrawal starts on the day the CONSUMER or the third person determined by the CONSUMER receives the Goods. However, the CONSUMER may also exercise the right of withdrawal during the period from the establishment of the contract to the delivery of the Goods. For Goods that are the subject of a single order and are delivered separately, the day the CONSUMER or the third person determined by the CONSUMER receives the last Good; for Goods consisting of more than one piece, the day the CONSUMER or the third person determined by the CONSUMER receives the last piece; in contracts where the Goods are delivered regularly for a certain period, the day the CONSUMER or the third person determined by the CONSUMER receives the first Good shall be taken into account.
b) In cases where the right of withdrawal is available, the CONSUMER is legally responsible for any changes or deteriorations that occur if the Goods are not used in accordance with their operation, technical specifications and usage instructions during the withdrawal period. Accordingly, if there is a change or deterioration due to the Goods not being used in accordance with their operation, technical specifications and functionality until the withdrawal date, the CONSUMER may lose the right of withdrawal; in cases where it is accepted by the SELLER, a deduction equal to the change/deterioration will be made from the price of the Goods to be returned.
c) In cases where there is a right of withdrawal, it is sufficient for the CONSUMER to send a clear notification to the SELLER (to info@rumo.com.tr) within the legal period of 14 days stating that he/she has used his/her right of withdrawal. In case the right in question is used within the period, the Goods must be sent to the above address of the SELLER within a maximum of ten (10) days. The contracted cargo companies are Yurtiçi Kargo. The company with which the Goods were delivered must be used for the returns of the Goods. If the Goods are returned with the cargo company that delivered them to them, no expense will be charged to the CONSUMER. If the CONSUMER sends the Goods with a cargo company other than the cargo company that delivered them to them, the shipping fee will belong to the CONSUMER. In the return process, the Goods must be delivered complete and undamaged together with their box, packaging and standard accessories, if any; the original invoice delivered to the CONSUMER must be returned. Returns of orders whose invoices are issued in the name of institutions (legal entities) will not be accepted unless a Return Invoice is issued.
d) Provided that the above-mentioned requirements are fulfilled by the CONSUMER, the price of the Goods and, if any, the delivery costs of the Goods to the CONSUMER will be refunded to the CONSUMER in accordance with the payment method used when purchasing the Goods, within 14 days from the date on which the notice of withdrawal reaches the SELLER.
e) The CONSUMER's legal rights/responsibilities after the withdrawal period regarding the Goods and the SELLER's rights and responsibilities including contractual and legal collection/set-off rights from the CONSUMER, including those regarding reward points, gift vouchers and free opportunities, are also available and valid.


By law, there is no right of withdrawal in contracts regarding the following goods/services, even if they have not been used/utilized: a) goods or services the price of which changes depending on the fluctuations in the financial markets and which are not under the control of the seller/provider, b) goods prepared in line with the special requests of the CONSUMER or his/her personal needs (including those that have been customized to the person/personal needs by making changes or additions, special goods imported/procured from within the country or abroad based on the CONSUMER's order), c) goods that are liable to perish quickly or whose expiration date may have passed, d) goods whose protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package have been opened after delivery and whose return is not suitable in terms of health and hygiene, e) goods that are mixed with other goods after delivery and which cannot be separated due to their nature, f) books, CDs, DVDs, audio and video recordings, software, etc. whose protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package have been opened. all kinds of goods with digital content and computer consumables, g) periodicals such as newspapers and magazines, other than those provided under a subscription agreement, h) services such as accommodation, goods transportation, car rental, food, beverage supply and leisure time evaluation for entertainment or recreation purposes that must be performed on a specific date or period, i) all services performed instantly in electronic environment and all kinds of intangible goods delivered to the consumer instantly, j) services started to be performed within the period of the right of withdrawal with the approval of the CONSUMER, k) other goods/services generally accepted outside the scope of distance selling in accordance with the relevant legislation and cases where the CONSUMER makes purchases for commercial/professional purposes.


In disputes that may arise from the Distance Contract, Provincial and District Consumer Arbitration Committees are authorized within the monetary limits determined/announced by the Ministry of Customs and Trade every year, and Consumer Courts are authorized in cases exceeding these limits. Within this framework, the CONSUMER may apply to the Arbitration Committees and Consumer Courts in his/her own or, if he/she wishes, SELLER's place of residence.


The BUYER accepts that the order he/she placed after reading and approving this Preliminary Information Form electronically will be subject to payment obligations. This Form is applied as a binding agreement between the BUYER and the SELLER together with the Distance Contract.

SELLER: Rumo Coffee - Q Food Industry and Trade Limited Company